I made a Booboo: Once upon a time there was a woman who used to sleep eight hours a day and laze around on weekends. Her clothes were mostly free of gross body fluids and her bag rarely had biscuit crumbs. Then she decided to have a baby.
With books and the internet for friends – and a husband who answered commonsensically – she thought she had it all sorted. But then her baby arrived, and turned everything upside down!
The baby made it his mission to present a new surprise every day. Mommy, after fighting hours of helplessness, came to learn that parenting was a lost battle. There was only one way to survive – keep calm, laugh on and write when the baby dozes.
The result: I Made a Booboo, a rollicking account of the trials, tribulations and occasional triumphs of a first-time mom.
P.S: Everyone did live happily ever after (albeit only when the baby willed so).
“I made a booboo presents the good, bad and ugly of parenting peppered with wit and heart warming moments.” – THE INDIAN EXPRESS
“The book sheds the preachy tone, which is almost invariably resorted by countless parenting blogs and books. It’s an honest confession from a mom.” – THE TRIBUNE
I made a booboo – A Mom who had parenting all sorted – until she had a baby, is a hilarious and honest bestselling story of first time parenting. It has received a lot of media acclaim and love worldwide and was recently launched in Amsterdam.
About the author
Originally from India, Shivangi Sharma lives in Amsterdam where she works in the corporate space as a marketing manager, performs as part of a Bollywood dance group and indulges in yoga and spirituality. Together with top expat bloggers in Netherlands, she published a travel anthology titled ‘Dutched up’ that was featured in the Wall Street Journal. She lives with her husband and their four year old son who continues to fill her day with lovely and hilarious moments that helped her write this book.